I’ve said it before, my readers are the most brilliant in all the world. The evidence, from the comments on Friday’s WOHM Depression Jamboree:
There are so many support groups out there for SAHMs but none for working moms. I guess we’re too busy and tired to attend. –Christina
Kids love and need quality time. Not quantity time. –MegaMom
Part of being a parent: our lives are harder to make their lives better. – Mrs. Chicky
The books do everyone a serious disservice by asserting that there are really only three emotional states after childbirth: bliss, baby blues, or PPD. –2BadLadies
Motherhood is a work-in-progress –Sam
I missed a lot of things that I felt were musts, but I also got to be there for the finished product, after the dress rehearsal, so to speak –Mel
You give her quality time when you can, and as long as she knows she holds the biggest piece of your heart? Nothing else matters. –Puppytoes
The firsts? Not as important as the Always. – Dawn
Through it all, our kids are gonna be fine. It’s us I worry about. –Tracey
Your baby is loved. And what the books don’t really tell you is that’s your only job: love. –scarbie doll
I am awed by the insightfulness, the eloquence, the compassion. Either you’re all reading better books than I am, or you’re secretly writing one yourself. If so, let me know. I’ll plug you hard at Cool Mom Picks.
It was just what I needed to stop beating myself up. Well, that and the pint of hot sake that I convinced my local sushi joint to deliver in a plastic takeout container last night along with the spicy tuna rolls. Nothing like a little illegally-obtained hooch to send you running from the dark side.
Over the next few weeks I’ll be blogging from my undisclosed secret location in West Hollywood, home of intoxicated, aging rock stars and the $14 Belgian waffle. I guarantee at least one real celeb sighting this time. Maybe even with pictures. I certainly owe you that much.