Hatin’ On and Lovin’ On

People to be mad at besides a stranger on the internet who may not say nice things about you:

-Ann Coulter

-Mel Gibson

-Whoever decided that leggings should be back in this fall. (Lynch him, girls!)

-Comment spammers

-People in front of you on line at the grocery store who don’t realize that they are actually supposed to pay for their groceries until after the cashier has rung them up–at which point they begin the long, arduous search for their teeny-tiny wallets in those great big bags of theirs.

-The saleswoman who sold you the strapless bra that makes you look like you have four boobs.

-The inventor of the fart machine that Nate bought.

-Men (with small penises) who diagonal park their sports cars (because they have small penises) between two spaces in crowded lots (to compensate for their small penises).

-The guy who turned off the air conditioning on the E train while it sat in the Chambers Street station yesterday morning. Although on the up side, I did lose about four pounds.

-Me. For forgetting to nominate last month’s Perfect Post.

Well, if I had remembered to do it, I would have nominated Hally’s hiliarious post on bootleg DVDs in Tanzania. And not just because I’m biased because she’s my best friend since Kindergarten or anything.

And if I could have nominated a second post? Just so you know? It would be Hally’s take on the 4th of July party (held on July 8th, no less) at the US Embassy in Tanzania. Embassy people and US Marines mingling with damn dirty hippies – what could be more interesting than that?

Sorry I don’t have any fancy button codes to give out, Hal. Next month, I swear.

(Also, huge gracious heartfelt thanks to One Tall Momma for nominating my birthday post to Thalia. It’s nice when the ones that mean the most to me also mean something to someone else.)