My daughter (and I assure you we’ll have a proper name for you in due time):
I have been so focused on the medical condition known as pregnancy and the changes its meant in my life that I fear I have not documented enough thoughts about you, the person. Not you the fetus and how you’ve affected my bra size or sleep patterns; not you, the proficient cervix pummeler; not you, sister to Thalia.
Yes, you’re all these things. But I need you to know that you’re more.
You are joy–to those you know and even those you don’t. You are going to make strangers forget their missed subway, their bad meeting, their harried days, if only for that brief fleeting few seconds while they catch the eye of the smiling newborn in the stroller. Trust me on this one.
You are wisdom. Through you we will learn and grow and rediscover things about ourselves and the world that we hadn’t even thought to consider.
You are laughter. It’s your birthright. You can’t be born into this family and avoid it. No pressure though; just be you. You’ll see.
You are hope. In a world where it’s too easy to think what a mess this all is, and how dare we bring children into it, you are joining a family that takes the other view. We believe that you’re coming here in part to tip the balance a hair more towards good than evil, more lightness than dark. You’re going leave this planet better than it stood when you arrived. Is that asking too much?
But first we have to meet.
I’ll be the one with the IV in my arm, the huge smile, and the teary eyes.
See you soon.
thoughts and prayers are with you….and i’m sure she’ll be glad to have this “letter” when she is older.>>– Jon>– Daddy Detective>–
And I’m the one sniffling and teary-eyed at my desk at work after reading this. How beautiful. I’ve been writing to my soon-to-be-born daughter too. I think it is such a wonderful idea. >>Oh, and here are some names that my husband has flat-out rejected for girls. Help yourself:>>Paige>Kael (pronounced like the vegetable, but I thought it sounded nice nonetheless)>Charlotte>Madeline>Brooke>Blair>>We’re going with Avery Brynn.
*sniffle* That was beautiful. And so, so true.
Very sweet. Good luck with the name thing.
Awww. What a sweet post.
Sweet. Good luck, and your baby has a nice mommy. Make that babies.
Beautiful, Liz. I’m reaching for the tissues and for once it’s not this head cold that’s making me.
Absolute beauty in your words. Thank you for sharing them. She’s a lucky little girl.
Awww…speaking of teary eyes… I think we all needed to read something like this today.
It’s not like we have much time to think at all with a toddler, but I’m actually MORE emotional thinking about the dlivery of #2 than I was for the little man. Are you? I guess I didn’t know what to expect last time. [Don’t get me started on thinking about labor…]
Brought tears to my eyes!
Hey, Liz?>>This made me cry.>>And I don’t cry often.
Sweet love letter.
That gave me shivers. The happy awe-inspiring kind.
Reading the newspaper today made wonder what I was thinking bringing a child into a world like this (I’m four months pregnant). It was a fleeting thought while I was teary-eyed over all the lost souls but the thought was there. Thank you for making me see this as a choice for hope, not despair.
So sweet.
Oh my. Teary eyes and big smile – that’s me too right now.
She’s a lucky girl.
oh lord. she is lucky. getting close, Liz! Cannot wait to hear about her arrival!
teary eyed at work too. i’m nearing the end of my 1st trimester with #2 and i feel like i haven’t been able to reflect on anything besides how much sicker i am this time around. your blog is wonderful and this letter is just what i needed to ground me as i sit here with my yogurt and crackers…good luck!!!
Your words really hit home. I have a tendancy to get consumed with all the ‘issues’ behind parenting, my own thoughts, reading other mom’s thoughts, etc. >>But then you read a post like this-a simple letter to your unborn daughter-and it brings me back to what parenting is all about.>>Going to kiss Aiden’s little toes right now.
This is so lovely. She will love this when she is older. We’re thinking of you as the day draws nearer for “#2” to appear in your life. 🙂
Hey, I named soon-to-arrive daughter #2. No stealing.
“You are laughter”….this struck me, because I was raised in a family where my sense of humor was so different than that of my family, I didn’t even know I had a sense of humor until I was in 5th grade. I was dry, they were really, really not. I didn’t think their puns and wordplay were that funny. But now, we all get each other. Here’s to you getting your bambino’s humor, when she’s ready to share it with you. 🙂
I can’t believe how much your post touched me. Sometimes I forget that the baby in my belly will be a little angel on earth once he/she is born. I will be attempting a < HREF="" REL="nofollow">VBAC<> this summer and eagerly anticipate our first meeting. What you said is so true, a new baby does a little more to balance the scales from evil to angelic.
Aww, that was sweet. Keep it up.
aww.. that was sweet.
your such a smart mommy…most people (like me) didn’t realize we forgot to write about the second one until they were at least 6 months.>>Thalia and “no-name” are blessed to have you. >>few more names from the kids:>Nico said he likes the name Nicole or Paris…;/>typical teen boy huh?>Luke says Maria but that his friend Kiki at school has a new sister named Thalia. >Gianina said Isabella or Giselle >Alex is at track…he’ll get back to you.
Can’t wait to see her.
Yes. She is nothing but joy. Bring on the Joy!
I love you Liz and can’t wait to welcome another bad ass woman into the world.
Just a beautiful post. Best wishes! >And my favorite girl name of all time…I had 3 boyz and couldn’t use it…is LYDIA.
That was beautiful, Liz!
Aw! I want to meet her too. Blessings to you and your family, and here’s to a quick and painless labor. 😉
what a lucky, lucky little girl.
You are goodness.>>All wrapped up in a perfect post.>>Carrie
Baby girl,>>Can’t wait to meet you, hug you, and welcome you to the world.
What I wouldn’t give to have had one letter like that from my mom. And your daughters have and will have pages of them.>>What smart girls to have chosen you.>>🙂
This is beautiful, Liz.>>*sniff*>>And for obvious reasons, just promise you won’t name her “#2.”