The Agony of the Feet.

The trip to San Francisco this morning was happily uneventful, with the exception of the feet.

The nasty, smelly, hammertoed, chipped-silver-nailpolish-covered, old lady feet. The feet that remained mercilessly unsheathed from any sort of protective footwear the entire flight. Right next to me.

Occasionally they touched me.

Seriously, you are glad the resolution on this is so bad.

Tomorrow Bay Area friends can watch Kristen and I choke on live TV doing Mother’s Day gift recos on ABC’s View from the Bay somewhere between tips for turning off technology, and fun and easy exercises to get your body ready for the beach.

I hope they don’t expect us to participate in either of those.

I imagine we’ll be okay if I can manage not to think about the feet.


48 thoughts on “The Agony of the Feet.”

  1. I’ve seen a lot of totally vile blog posts in my day. But this is truly horrifying. I may never go out in public again, just to avoid this situation. Next time, warn us. Though god willing, there will NEVER be a next time.

  2. That’s really disgusting!I worked in a Podiatrist’s office for a year, so I feel qualified to make that statement.

  3. I can not stand when strangers take their shoes/socks off on a plane next to me. Those feet touching me… I can’t think about it. So gross- I hate feet.

  4. Wow that is super gross. And so inconsiderately rude of that woman, too. I mean my goodness! Hope that you were sufficiently covered such that you didn’t catch any germies… Eeeuuuu!

  5. Congratulations! on “View from the Bay” (not the neighboring feet). That show is huge. Spencer from Channel 7 in NY does that show now.You are gonna be great!Sending fabulous vibes to you.

  6. I have to admit my morbid curiosity as to how you took the photo without being noticed. And what would you have said if you got caught? Do you tell the truth…or lie and say you have a foot fetish and want to preserve this memory for the future?

  7. Ew…I hate toes…all toes, even my own…they are long and lean, like my fingers and I can cross them…weird, huh? Having your feet unsheathed in a public place is so not appropriate…maybe she thought she was still in San Fran??

  8. Ugh, that’s disgusting. OK, folks, new social rule: when flying, KEEP YOUR SHOES ON! Actually, unless you’re a foot model, keep your shoes on in public.

  9. I love it that you managed to snap a picture of The Feet. Nastiness. I hate feet!

  10. Eww.. I think I just threw up a little! I can’t believe the feet touched you. *shiver*!Kudos to you for snapping a picture. Some memories simply must be cherished!!

  11. First, kudos on getting that pic. You are BOLD! Second, I am always amazed at your ability to make happenings into great blog posts. You need to do a BlogHer seesion on that!

  12. oh my god, those feet are truly terrifying. THE HORROR…i’m now going to have to spend a good hour trying to scour that image from my mind. because i don’t want to know what kind of psychotic nightmares my brain might produce were i to go to bed with that still actively floating around in my imagination. (shudder)

  13. You could make a horror movie poster off that pic. Love it!But you’d better copyright it or it’ll end up on eBay on a lighter.

  14. Kayleighjeanne: The genius of the iPhone. It is both discreet and effective in situations like this. Had I been caught however I’d have feigned ignorance. <> What? Oh wait…I just took a picture? Oh shoot, I just got this thing and I have NO idea how to work it…<>

  15. Haven’t people been kicked off planes for being inappropriately dressed? And this they allow? I can handle a mini-skirt, this is way more offensive.

  16. Oh my goodness. My husband’s grandmother insists on wearing sandals, and her feet look like that. The toes cross over each other – they can’t even lie flat. It skeeves me out, yet I cannot look away. There needs to be an offical foot committee who can dictate at what point you must always keep your feet completely covered for the safety of those around you.

  17. Speaking of airlines, why aren’t they throwing people with nasty feet off planes? I’d much rather see a boob and a baby sucking on it, than that stinky foot.

  18. I admire your ability to sit through the entire flight with that disgusting view in front of you the whole time! You really took one for the team… good luck on the show:)

  19. Hey, you’re in my neck of the woods! View from the Bay starts at 3:00; I’m looking forward to watching you and Kristen. Congrats! (sorry about the feet)

  20. Ok, I’m gonna be watching. If I was organized and a good host, and knew you were going to be here, I would have invited you over. None of those things are true, however.

  21. Well…to be charitable, if my feet were that f***ed up, I might take my shoes off too…because they look so painful. But still.

  22. WoW!!!!!! you are a star!!!! you stole the show mom-101!!! even spencer got in how he used to work with your dad! you 2 were fabulous!you seemed more relaxed than on your alpha tv videos. your daughter + mom are stars too. kristen looked so fabulously pregnant. the camera loves you both! can’t wait to see you on oprah + the apprentice 🙂

  23. You are a SUPERSTAR! Congrats on the gig!And the feet…uh…that was me, actually. I’ve had funky old lady feet since I’ve been 8 years old. I promise, I was just feeling claustrophobic. I’ll wear peds next time. 😉

  24. There’s something about the chipped silver nail polish that takes it to a whole other level of NASTY. I work in a hospital and I’ve seen some pretty disgusting feet, but those take the cake.

  25. stinky feet are the worst! I wish my son would take that to heart… maybe I’ll show him the picture in this post.

  26. It looks like some kind of ghostly x-ray of a foot. EWWWW. Was fun hanging with you and the fab Kristen last night. xoxo

  27. They <>touched<> you?! Oh good gawd! That’s disgusting, I’d have lost it! <>Beatch! Get fungi ridden feet off of ME!<> and then there’d have been an emergency stop where I’d have been handed over to security. *shudder* Oh the nastiness of those feet.

  28. You are a better woman than I am. I would have asked her to take her monkey toes and bunyons and place them else where.Ew.Either that, I would have totally asked where she got her pedicure and bonded with her over her hammer toes.I’m fickle that way.Good luck on the boob tube.

  29. The picture-taking was a great idea. If she objected, you can just point out that once something violates your personal space, it’s yours enough to take a picture without asking. If she doesn’t want people taking pictures of her feet, she should put them away.Then, if you so desired, you could firmly declare, “In your FACE!” for effect.

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