The story of the Nutcracker, according to the mom in the audience in seat E102

The story of the Nutcracker. According to me.

So there’s this little girl and her family, and they’re going to a party. She’s wearing a very pretty blue dress and a ribbon in her hair. They all skip across the stage and then finally make it to the party.

The little girl curtseys and greets the family throwing the party including some other girl who’s wearing a white nightgown which is not nearly as nice as the blue dress. The little girl sits down on a settee with some other relatives and plays with a doll. At a few points she jumps up and runs around with her friends, skips in circles, generally has a good time. There’s more skipping in circles, more playing with dolls, some sitting on the lap of a grandmother. There are lots of other party guests but it’s evident they’re not at all important.

More skipping, more dancing, more rocking the dolly to sleep.

Soon it’s time to leave the party, which they do.

I think some other stuff might have happened then. Also, something with mice and maybe a guy with a cape and some snowflakes. Snowflakes? Yeah I think so. I just remember a lot of white. Also I think I remember a sword.

Then there’s some dancing blah blah blah boooooriiiiing and next thing you know, there are about 40 little Raggedy Ann dolls all entering the stage. They are dancing in unison but one in particular is clearly the best one and more important than the others, even if she is third to the back in the second of four rows. She smiles and twirls and is generally adorable and Raggedy Ann-like. She chases a gingerbread man around but he gets away. The Raggedy Ann leaves the stage and then everything gets incredibly boring again.

Something else happens then. I forget what but it couldn’t have been that important or I’d remember it.

Oh, also there’s a thing where the Christmas tree grows.

The End.



39 thoughts on “The story of the Nutcracker, according to the mom in the audience in seat E102”

  1. I think you forgot the part where the Mom breaks down in tears. Oh wait, that’s my story! Ours happens in a little over a week. EEK!

    P.S. Your tiny dancers looked fabulous. Makes me wish I was in the audience too 🙂

  2. This retelling sounds a lot like how I recount the kids’ piano recital. They go by age and mine are young (5 and 6) so they are always within the first 8 or so of what often feels like 100 (but in reality is only about 20 kids).

    Sounds lovely.

    1. At least you can leave after 8, right? Next year I’m gunning for both kids in one act.

      Although I must say in reality, the performance was amazing. Professional and fantastic. Even if my kids were the two best ever.

      1. Not at our recitals! Stay until the end. No cameras. Don’t distract the performers. (I assume crying in the audience would distract)

        1. Yes,stay to the end! How rotten to have to perform without an audience when you’re scheduled in the last half. Kids do notice the applause dwindling. Some of think it’s them.

          1. Oh I was teasing! I would never ever walk out in the middle, especially with kids. I can’t even bring myself to walk out of terrible movies.

  3. Apparently the Nutcracker has changed since I auditioned. I was too tall for one role and too short for another. My one brief chance – gone because of height.

    1. Noooo so wrong! Every kid should get to be at least a mouse. There’s no height requirement for mice, right?

  4. This is what Christmases are made of. (Or insert any holiday in there.) If there is no holiday for THIS, then we would make one.
    I still remember my disappointment from pre-school “graduation” event (yes, you read it right) – it was taped by professional photographer, who nicely captured EVERYBODY on the stage. And nobody in particular. When all you are looking for is 3 row, 5 face from the right. And that boy that read the narrative for the play. And, and, and…

  5. Nice. I always wanted to dance the Nutcracker was little (until I quit dance). I’m anxious to share the Nutcracker with my kids when they get a bit older, or maybe I can just convince my humbug of a husband to see the House Theatre version. They have giant puppets.

    1. I should add that I remember the Nutcracker only using kids for Clara and the Prince. I like this more inclusive version. I would have been a great mouse.

      1. It was their ballet school’s performance so all the children who want to be in it can; with seasoned performers in the leads. It’s really fun.

        I mean…I imagine the parts I didn’t pay attention to were really fun. Obviously

  6. Awww! I danced the Nutcracker every year when I was little, and I’m sure my mom felt the same way. I’m going to send her this post. So sweet. 🙂

  7. First, your girls are beautiful.

    Second, you would die if you were me—I’m going TWICE—this past Sunday and next AND none of my kids are in any of them. Fortunately, I love it and, as this is my 4th year seeing it, I finally know the story! Ha!

  8. They look great Liz, and very poised indeed. I must say it sounds much better than it was when taking two boys (because we lived in New York so they HAD to see the Nutcracker or be culturally deprived…) I don’t know who was more bored – them or me. I think ONLY a grandchild performing would EVER get me to another one. You are clearly describing the very best way to attend – with the best cast ever!

  9. One of your best posts. Ever. I am a totally independent reader who just happened to have been at the same performance-quelle coincidence-and I can vouch for the veracity of your tale. Who you gonna believe: Me or your lyin’ eyes?

  10. This story perfectly syncs with my memory of the Nutcracker. You were sitting in row E, but I was sitting in row A, practically on the stage. You probably didn’t see the little girl in the blue dress give me (and you, probably) that wonderful toothless grin and a small wink (she was told not to wave, but the grin and wink were better). The tears of joy will long be remembered. And the Raggedy Ann insists we waved at her, although we did not, but who cares. This was the best Nutcracker. Ever.,

    1. Oh trust me I got the big smile. Fortunately she couldn’t see the tears in return; she was lit and I was in the dark. Small mercies.

      So glad you were there. And yes, best ever.

  11. Adorable photos!

    In figure skating, it’s much more clear: See that gorgeous young woman out on the sheet of ice all by herself for 3 minutes? That’s my amazing kid. And you’ll all be paying attention to just her, thank you very much. 😉

  12. I’m taking my aspiring dancer to the professional ballet performance this year. She’s almost 6, so I hope she can sit still thru the whole thing. It’s going to be just the two of us…big sister has to stay at home. I think I’m looking more forward to her seeing it…than I am of seeing it myself.

    1. It’s the perfect age. And you will watch her watching it, more than you will watch the dancers. Enjoy!

  13. I remember it exactly the same way!!! The beautiful toothless smile and the beautiful little smile and wave are embedded in my heart forever. Yes. It was the best. Ever.

  14. I’m endeared to the Nutcracker now, if only because of these two lovely girls and their lovely mama.

    I’ve always felt like I’m missing the cultural boat because I don’t take my three sons to the show. Now if they were in it, that would be a different story!

    Cheers to the girls for a memorable performance!

  15. OMG! How did you end up at my daughter’s Nutcracker!?!?!

    But seriously, were you the woman behind me? All the way out here in AZ? Ha.

    Love it!

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