Category Archives: working moms

The myth of the rich, selfish working mom

marisa-acocella-marchetto New Yorker CartoonI have seen the following argument about working moms far too many times to count: Well, women could sacrifice second cars and vacation homes to stay home with their children.

Feel free to scream now. Or, you know. I could do it for you.

The implication of course is that that there is this vast army of  selfish working mothers out there, raking in the billions, and putting her BMW and her Hamptons house first while her six nannies do the butt wiping and the late-night feedings. Oh, of course she’s home in time to kiss them goodnight once in a while, perhaps on a layover between St. Barth’s and Palm Springs. Really, isn’t it enough just to know that she birthed them?

Oh, okay. So she used a surrogate so she wouldn’t ruin her figure. But still.

(Screaming party? Again? Sure, feel free.) Continue reading