The Loyalty Test

Thank you so much for all the candid thoughts about blog advertising, good, bad and–well, not really ugly but maybe a little homely if the light hits it in the wrong way. Read the comments – so much intelligent thinking! Please keep it coming if you haven’t weighed in. It will help me seem sharper on my BlogHer panel than I really am these days. (Really. Think about trying to slice through a pineapple with one of those free popsicle stick-looking ice cream taster thingies and that’s sort of how my brain is functioning in these fourth trimester days.)

And since I now know that quite a few of you absolutely hate when bloggers write, “Hey, see what I wrote over at today!” I’m going to do just that. Just to see what happens.


Hey…see what I wrote over at Wonderland on AlphaMom today. I’m keeping the place warm and toasty for Alice in her absence. Or maybe I just farted, which wouldn’t be entirely out of the question. I’m writing about Harry Potter. Ever heard of the guy?


11 thoughts on “The Loyalty Test”

  1. which day are you speaking? The internets aren’t cooperating with me today…

  2. I’ll be ignoring the Alpha Mom post, because the few times I’ve been there, it’s all about the shopping. Yawn. I prefer your writing here. Then again, if you want to plug awesome products, that’s the place for it, and here is the place for your awesome writing, in my book. 😉

  3. The Harry hullaballoo is happening in my neck of the woods. Children are up in arms over this book. I confess I haven’t read a single one yet. I need to get on that when I have some free time.

  4. I’m so glad my kids are too young for Harry. Not that I dislike the Potter series, I’m just not ready for mass hysterics and standing in line for days yet. LOL

  5. Jelly Jules: Wonderland is “a lighthearted romp through the week’s current events.” No plugging, no shopping. I think you’re thinking of Melissa’s column?

  6. Hmmm, I’m one of those who actually like it when people link to whereever they are. It’s like playing where in the world is Waldo, without Waldo. Wait, wait, it’s about HARRY. I’ll be back. 😉

  7. Dear Liz, Thank you for linking to Alpha Mom. As you know, I care very much about our writers and treat them with the utmost respect, of which they are deserving. I’ve seen their linking to Alpha Mom as 1) them showing respect to their readers by letting them know that they can find more of their writing elsewhere and 2) also, they like us at Alpha Mom and therefore want to show us respect by sending traffic our way (which I feel is a great honor.)On the second point, maybe I’m just a Pollyanna. But, it makes me happy to think they are doing it because they like us. Isabel Alpha Mom

  8. I don’t have time to comment here. I’m off to Wonderland!

  9. I don’t understand whatall the fuss is about. Some of us write for more than one site. It’s only logical to assume that people who like to read our writing are likely to be interested in reading it no matter what it says at the top of the masthead. If Hollis Gillespie said on her website that she had written a travel story for a magazine and linked to it, you’d better believe I’d go over there in a heartbeat. It’s the reader’s choice as to whether or not to follow the link- Why would making the option available piss anyone off?

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