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Some parents in China, in an admirable attempt to bump the lead paint scare off the headlines, are trying to name their child @.
That’s right, @.
After all those months of painfully brainstorming names for She Who is Now Called Sage, who knew that the perfect answer was right there in front of us, every time we checked our email.
Personally I prefer &.
At least you could call him Sandy.
Sorry, grammar geek humor.
Sandy…you’re funny. 🙂>>If they have a boy, could they call him Atticus? (That’s the best I could do with the @ symbol…sorry….)
Moxie Crimefighter never sounded weird to me. Is *that* weird?
I just heard read about this too!>>Since I’m still trying to decide on a name for this baby, I’m now considering something like * and we can call him Star.
I love grammar geek humor. I think I’ll name my next kid “/” so we can call him Slash.
I guess I’m not a grammar geek. I don’t get it. Now I’d get it if the name was “&” and you called him/her “Andy/Andi”. But the “S” in Sandy is throwing me……>>Likey the name Slash!
I prefer . Dottie. Or – Dash for a boy.
That’s so wrong. @ is not a proper name. They should have at least gone with *. I’m not sure how you’d pronounce it, but it’s prettier on paper.>>I like MD’s / idea as well.
Ah shit sorry, I just read Mommy of the records. I didn’t mean to steal it. 😉
Ampersandy! That’s incredibly funny!>>How about Matilda, but use ~ the tilde…>>Funny funny
I think I’d choose Bracket.
I’m not all that into punctuation, so I’m just going to go with naming my next one F7.>>There will be no next one.
Hey. Prince did it. In the same vein, I suppose that when the furor dies down and they begin to see the error of their ways, they can call him “The Baby Formerly known as @”
I kind of like Moxie Crimefighter.>>Now, ~, that’s a name I could get behind. @ is just far too common.
Being a grammar geek, I totally love the “Sandy” joke. 🙂>>What would the nickname be if they named him *?>>Oh my.
I still like Moxie Crimefighter as well. Super-Hero-Like names score points with me.>>We didn’t give our 3rd daughter a middle name, at least partially because “Betty Blair” sounds like it could be the name of a superhero alter ego. Maybe even Moxie Crimefighter.
Hee. Moxie Crimefighter and Pilot Inspektor have always been two of my favorite weird celebrity baby names. >>Is it weird that I think Bracket is kind of a cool name? >>(My daughter is going to be so glad she wasn’t a boy…. because… ya know… Bracket is totally a BOY name… damn I’m weird…)
“Sandy”>>*snort*>>That’s the kind of sense of humor that makes me fall in love with a person.>>So watch out.>>Personally, I love the …>>And Dotty is such a cute nickname.
You are so totally going to hell.
And people thought names from the seventies were strange. Now “Moonbeam” seems so perfectly genteel.
Sandy – hahahaha!>>Excuse me while I compose myself.
“Sandy”! :::snicker snicker::: Very clever. Did you hear about the people wanting to name their son Superman? Can you just see the kid jumping off the monkey bars to fly (or shall I say ‘fall with style’?) And imagine his poor wife’s disappointment when Superman only lasts two minutes in bed.
I saw a guy on TV last night named Skavinsky Hymes. >>Granted, he was a prison inmate. >>And I totally agree with you on &. Or why not just be honest and name the kid $ ?