Tattoo You

Today, I want to wish a very happy birthday to the father of my children.

The maker of the dinners, the arbiter of the playlist, the master of the remote, the orderer of the wine, the pusher of the buttons, the teller of the fart jokes, the lover of animals, the dreamer of big dreams,  the devotee of all pork products.

And the guy who is just hilarious enough to do this to his arms. Permanently. For life.


Happy birthday Nate.


15 thoughts on “Tattoo You”

  1. I absolutely love that. That'll keep a smile on my face all day–my brother needs that “after” tattoo to cover up the Yosemite Sam he has that is holding penises instead of guns. A lesson he learned is that you shouldn't irritate the person putting permanent ink on your body.

  2. I think he is even more awesome now than after meeting him. And he cooks. Nice score on the man front!

  3. Brilliant! Definitely gave me some ideas for when I get (really) old and feel (more) ridiculous for the several tattoos I currently carry. Talk about making lemons into a really witty lemonade tattoo (oh, excuse me — “body art.”) Anyway, loved it. did you go out and get a matching one for his birthday? Or maybe that should be one for the anniversary… ha!

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