I can’t be cycnical. I read the posts about “Hallmark holidays” and fake made-up commercial holidays and stupid, institutionalized pretend holidays designed to sell crap and you know? I just don’t care.
I see Nate’s face when the girls jump into bed and present him a gift they worked so hard to make. I hear the catch in my own Dad’s voice when his granddaughters call and scream HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! all at once.
I love it. Every sentimental, treacly, card-giving, brunch-making, bacon devouring, sloppy kisses, second of it.
We should all have more days in our lives that make us feel important to our families. And if we just settle for one or two, I’ll take it. Perhaps because I’m fortunate enough to have amazing fathers in my life. Devoted Fathers and grandfathers and stepgrandfathers who are grandfathers too.
So I say to you, marketers or card companies or whoever is responsible for making this day possible–thank you.
If it weren’t for all these awesome dads, we wouldn’t have such awesome children.
Amen. Why turn down a reason to celebrate?
Any original ideas for Father’s Day 2013 anybody?
Also, why turn down a reason to have bacon waiting for you when you get up in the morning?
It always comes back to bacon, doesn’t it?
I love those pictures. There is nothing better than a special father-daughter bond.
I couldn’t agree more. Thanks Luda.
Another great post. Another reason for us to bawl like babies. We love you forever.
fathers day no. 1 coming up… i’m inspired!
It’s not a matter of being cynical, but the in-your-face reminders make days like this harder than a normal day for kids without dads. They can’t get away from it, not that they ever can, but the sales and golf outings and bbqs just put the extra ugh in the day. I have my dad and dread this day because my kids don’t. But I don’t begrudge anyone else their celebrations, and neither do my kids.
I understand that point of view and I appreciate you sharing it. I also know people who have lost husbands and families and for them it’s a very tough day.
Do the kids have Grandfathers in their lives? Maybe it’s a time to remember and honor our father figures? I’d love to know how you deal with it, Amy.
We don’t live near any family so my kids really don’t have a very present father-figure, unfortunately. They do have a great relationship with my dad, but they only see him once or twice a year – it’s not an every day kind of thing. I understand the village philosophy of child-raising and rearing, but I’ve not been fortunate enough to experience it. At this point I make the day about my kids’ dad — and the foods he liked, since he liked to cook and to eat. It’s a tradition born out of necessity and coping – it’s not like they don’t miss him the other 364 days and I know that.
I know we don’t corner the market on loss, believe me. We all just do the best we can, don’t we?
Yeah! Happy father’s day to ME.
And to my own Dad, as well.
You are the best. Being your father is an honor. I love you, too.
…and that is exactly why I’m reading your posts, every bit that comes out. Because father’s day existed long before Halmark decided to put out cards for it. Because it is all about surprising your loved ones, showing appreciation, MAKING your gift, those wet kid-smoochies in the morning and squeals over the phone. Nothing to do with golfing or new power equipment. Because dads are already awesome and no amount of commercialization will take that away.
Divorce makes it complicated for everyone……even a long time later. On balance, terrific. It can be painful and that’s why they programmed an emotional delete button in (you just have to find it). But it can be fabulous and those are the moments, like last night, that matter.
I don’t generally consider myself cynical, but when it comes to Mother’s and Father’s Day, I’m guess I’m a scrooge! Honestly, our kids do so many little things all the time to tell us they love and appreciate us. I don’t feel like we need a “Day” to make that sentiment any more complete.
Father’s Day is complicated for us because my husband’s Dad, frankly, has been a deadbeat Dad his whole life and completely absent from our children’s (and our) lives. My Dad passed away 13 years ago and my kids never knew him. We have this huge grandfather void, which really sucks.
I’m sorry to hear that Alyssa. I can see why it would be hard.
I still remember when my grandmother used to send me a $10 bill every year for my birthday and I suggested to my mother that I was old enough now that I didn’t need it. I’ll never forget my mom’s answer: You may not need it, but she needs to give it to you.
Maybe allow your kids to fawn over you for a day if you can handle it. I just know how good it made my own kids feel.
I love this outlook!
People love to complain about “hallmark holidays” but I wonder what is so wrong about picking a day to celebrate the people you love. The argument of you should show them every day. Well okay sure. Tell them you love them everyday, yes. Show them? That’d get real old real fast.
I love Hallmark holidays. I mean really if you try? You can find a day for ANYTHING!
I agree. No one is forced to do anything, but if someone wants to suggest a celebration and it sounds good, enjoy it!
I love hallmark and the whole idea of hallmark holidays. Definitely a day for any occasion. Maybe every day is a special day. 🙂
‘If it weren’t for all these awesome dads, we wouldn’t have such awesome children.’
Halleluyah – can’t agree more. Nonetheless I just can’t stand the raid for stupidest ideas by today’s marketing guys.