While I can’t seem to remember much about those early, sleep-deprived days of parenting, I do remember the moment I logged onto blogspot.com, and tried about 34 URLs until I discovered that eureka! Mom-101 wasn’t taken.
(I still curse you, City Mama, for stealing my first choice.)
“Hey look,” she thought. “Free ironic retro clip art!”
That was exactly 7 years ago today. 7 years? Good lord.
Actually I’m lying–my original backstory (cleverly named “The Backstory”) was dated January 29, but I believe in fact I wrote it on January 31, and backdated it so that that little sidebar would show two days of archives instead of that one pathetic, lonely one. Also because I wrote two posts in a day and I had learned from some “how to blog” article that you’re not supposed to do that. This being the first one.
I know what you’re thinking: shocking that Liz didn’t sign a five-year contract with Random House on that very day. I agree with you!
Now, looking back, I could not have imagined then what this blog would become or where it would take me or even that I would still love it in seven years. I say that without a hint of sarcasm, and with more emotion than even this week’s Downton Abbey elicited in me: I really love this place.
Certainly there have been a lot of accomplishments and other things I’ve experienced since 2006 that make me wonder, whose life is this anyway? But really, that was never the goal. For the most part I was merely hoping to wean off the snarky NYC message board, find my voice, and maybe a few readers who could commiserate with the hell of co-not-sleeping or the horror of walking in on your seven month-old daughter holding up a condom wrapper left on the couch the morning after Valentine’s Day.
So how fitting that today of all days, the seven year anniversary of Mom-101, that I get to share some pretty cool news:
I’m going to be joining CNN’s new show on HLNtv, Raising America with Kyra Phillips every Wednesday starting next week as a contributor.
Don’t ask me too much more than that because I don’t know a lot more. I know I get to talk about news as a parent with other parents, and I like doing that. I know I get to work with Kyra Phillips who I think is terrific. I know I’ll alternate between spelling her name Kira and Kyra for a while. (Sorry.) I know that I’m going to run out of TV-ready clothes (i.e. not black) super fast. I also am pretty sure that someone will do my makeup in-studio, which is definitely a huge plus at my age. Yes, Nate, you’re still younger than me and my music may be stuck in 1987, but someone carded me buying champagne on New Year’s Eve so…shut up.
Finally, I know I’m joining some amazing long-time friends and bloggers who are also contributors, like Heather Armstrong, Jill Smokler, Charlie Capen, Julie Cole, and Lindsay Ferrier, whom I’ve known since back when she was all paranoid and anonymous and told everyone her name was Lucinda. Plus, there are so many other talented writers and contributors that I’m excited to get to know better.
Here’s a video of host KYra Phillips very kindly welcoming me. (So welcome-y!) See if you can spot the best part of the whole video.
Hint: Sage caught it right away.
PS Kyra: If you need to spell my name Lyz from time to time, I totally forgive you.
I have no idea where this will go or where it will take me or how long they will keep me on, considering I’m not the type who likes to flip tables over during arguments and call you a prostitution whore so that they can play it over and over in commercial promos. All I can say for sure is that I’ll try to represent us all well, and I’ll try not to do that thing I do with my lip that I do when I really hate something that someone else says but I don’t want to mention it.
I’ve said too much already.
One more reflection: seven years ago, I recall reading posts a lot like this one. Where bloggers with more than 2 commenters mentioned some huge sponsored trip they were taking, some famous person they met, or an award they won and it all seemed just so…big. And exciting. But you know? Having done things like that myself since then, yes, they are remarkable, incredible experiences and I hope you all get to experience the joy of being rewarded for doing something you love. It’s a fabulous feeling. But really, what I most value and appreciate after all these seven years of blogging, is the thing I expected least of all from setting up shop on this here URL: true friendship, community, and my growth as a parent through the conversations we have.
Bloggers can fool ourselves into saying that “we write for ourselves,” but it’s just not true. Without you, there is no Mom-101.
That’s you, as in you.
So if you’re reading this? Thanks for a great seven years.
Please tune in to Raising America on HLNtv! I’ll be on starting noon ET (I think) Wednesday Feb 6. Also check the Facebook page for more info and follow us on Twitter via #RaisingAmerica
What a perfectly wonderful, well-earned and exciting thing. So happy for you!
I am so super excited about this, and I can’t wait to see you and Jill and others. And I can totally tutor you in table flipping, prostitution whore calling if you want.
I know I already congratulated you on Twitter, but this is such cool news that I thought I’d do it twice. Congratulations!
Liz –
You know – when we reconnected on facebook and I saw all the great things you were doing, I thought it was pretty cool. (notice the lowercase c). Now that I’m a dad and I read more of what you’ve written and see your accomplishments – I think it’s pretty Cool.
Oh my gosh, back online after a busy day and just seeing all these amazing comments. Thanks so much Craig. You’re doing pretty okay yourself!
I love your blog. Your writing is entertaining and authentic, compassionate and reasonable, and always well-crafted. If you manage to bring some of that to cable we are all the better for it.
(Which reminds me, for those of us who don’t have cable, will you post online links to your segments? I’d hate to miss them.)
I think I’m supposed to urge you to get cable, but in lieu of that, yes, of course I’ll post links. Thanks for your support Korinthia.
You could throw down the mic and walk away RIGHT NOW and we would all be standing here clapping until you came back and did more. So proud of you!
I may try that.
Congratulations! Can’t wait to see it.
Liz, you are perfect for this! So proud of you. You will rock it!
I’m so glad to be a part of it with you Lindsay. YOU will rock it. I need tips from you stat!
Huge congratulations! Seven is a lucky number and yet – I’m certain this is still just a beginning for you… Looking forward to watching.
So well-deserved and well-earned! Your announcement above made me weepy.
You are going to be amazing. You are so measured and thoughtful, and frankly I think that’s what most people would like to see more of. I can’t help it….SQUEEEEEE!!!!
I am extremely proud of and happy for you.
I like seeing that there are some media outlets that are not 100% dedicated to sensational/mommy-wars/bloody chronicle and there is someone taking notice that there are people out here that talk intelligently and think before speak/type. I’m glad they reached out to you. It is only going to strengthen your voice, and with you, all of you readers’ voices who come here for some normalcy and decent conversation.
Good luck and enjoy! And happy 7th anniversary! Hope you don’t have 7-year blog itch, and continue to write for some more.
Well, you’re still just Liz to me, and I always felt like you came out so polished right from the start so it’s easy to say that fame hasn’t changed you.
Congratulations! How exciting
Seven years and you kept going, kept writing, kept sharing. Great job and congratulations on the new gig!
Congratulations, Liz! And I love the title of the program. Please remind us to set our DVRs. Wishing you all the best.
I remember reading you all those years ago, WAY before I ever considered becoming a mom myself. I can’t help but feel an amazing amount of pride for you and all that you’ve become in these last 7 years. Congrats!
That’s exactly how I got my blog name! Congrats on 7 years, just celebrated 10, myself.
THAT deserves applause. Go you!!
Hooray for a showing getting it right! Excited for you and them!
This is great news because we need more balance and logic and compassion on the boob tube. This might actually get me watch a talk show – which I never do due to the hyperbole and ugly and table-turning.
Happy anni, L. What a run it has been and continues to be.
And we’ve been there together from the beginning, when you explained to me that HTML wasn’t “hatemail.”
I remember the first time Kristen said to me, have you read this new blogger named Liz? I can’t believe it’s been 7 years. Although if I look at my kids now, I guess it makes sense. Happy 7 years Liz. Here’s to 7 more.
Also huge congratulations on the new gig!
Thank you Issa! You have been here the whole time too. I owe you so much.
Awww thank you. 🙂
Wow!! That is great news, congratulations to you! You do have a great blog and have earned this. I guess I am at the place you mentioned you once were reading someone’s blog as they wrote about the big opportunities they were getting… That’s me right now, I can only hope to once day reach even the halfway point! Heck, right now I’d be happy with having a handful of readers! I guess I still have a long way to go, but Iam sticking to it!!! Thanks for all the laughs, tips, and inspiration!!!!!
Enjoy the journey Anna. It’s the best part.
Shut. Up.
This is so awesome, awesomely well-deserved, all-around-awesome!!!
I’m so excited and and happy for you. I’m just sad I didn’t find you seven years ago-congrats on that too!
(And her baby is Sage, too. I got it! Bam!)
Congratulations on 7 years and your well deserved successes!
Awesome. I am so happy for you!! Can’t wait to watch.
Well, they sure know how to pick ’em don’t they!? Congrats on the new gig! Much deserved! And seven years, so wonderful. Glad you are still here and hope you are for a long, LONG time!!
Such great news, congratulations! I love not only that you have reason to celebrate, but that you took the time to remind all of us “little people” that it’s not magic, but time and hard work that gets people where you are. Well, done Liz-so impressive.
Thanks Cristie. There are no little people. Unless you count trolls.
Fabulous! Congrats. Makes me happy when the good ones make it somewhere big. 🙂
Happy Blogaversary and congrats! Can’t wait to watch!
Maybe we need a milestone counter for bloggers? Marriages have 7 year itch?
Hearty congrats
I’ll just leave it at this: OMG!!!!! Squee!!!!!
When I began blogging a short (almost) 2 years ago I tweeted out a link to something I’d written and you kindly tweeted it out. Thank you. It meant a lot.
Yours is a site I come back to often because I know that I’ll always find something interesting, funny, thought-provoking, whatever is needed at that moment.
Nothing you do surprises me. You are one of the most extraordinary women I have the extreme pleasure of knowing. You are one of those amazing people in this life. Yes, you…
Downton was traumatizing. Way to go on both big things!
OMG Liz! You are going to be great.
I love that these people were smart enough to include you, because I know the conversation will stay smart, relevant, and not drag parenting down any deeper into the hole of sensationalism and media wars (who’s better at parenting, moms or dads? working moms or stay at home moms? co-sleeping moms or cry it out moms? Ugh).
You are going to continue to give parenting a funny, real, poignant voice, now just on TV. Awesome.
I cannot wait to watch you. Go get’em, girl.
Huge congrats Liz! I think it will be great to have a show talking about issues from a parent’s point of view. Not because it doesn’t always match a non-parent point of view but because there are some unique concerns and perspectives and many traditional talk shows shy away from talking from this perspective. Kudos on 7 years and this awesome opportunity!
Ditto to what everyone else said
UM, yeah, that’s pretty damn cool!
Congrats to you and it’s well deserved.
See you on TV {what???!!!} Exciting!!
Ah, so now it all makes more sense! I have an obsession with watching CNN Live on my iPad and caught the banner ad to Kyra’s show and clicked on it. I was happy to see so many articles from bloggers I admire, respect, so-wannabe-like-them and some I can even call my friends.
Seems like a wonderful opportunity and I doubt you’ll need to throw any couches around. A huge congratulations to you, Kyra and everyone involved. Huge kudos to CNN and HLN.Tv for “getting” it!
Thanks so much Ana!
Woohoo and congrats! Can’t wait to see what this turns into. And best wishes finding some good, non-black outfits…
I have known you for nigh-on forty four years, and with each honor I think that I’ve never been more proud of you. This coup seems to be a recognition of the time, effort, and skill you’ve mastered to get here. Overnight sensation? Hardly. You are a beacon to all of us who who move into those unknown spaces with only our best intentions- and years of hard work.
Very exciting and a huge congrats to you!!! And seven years – that is awesome! xoxo
Congratulations on the new gig, that’s awesome!
Happy 7 years and many, many more to you.
You’re awesome. Congratulations.