“She brings good sense, sanity and humor to online conversations about modern parenting.” -Apartment Therapy
“Tune in for razor sharp writing with an abundance of self-deprecation” –Forbes
“Funny some of the time” – Enthusiastic Anonymous Commenter
My name is Liz Gumbinner. (I used to be semi-anonymous but eh…you know. Internet.) I’m a writer hailing from the justly maligned world of advertising. I’ve created some of the commercials you love, and some that I will go to the grave denying any part in. Some bios about me say Liz used to be in advertising. My employers always have a good laugh about that one.
I’ve also written a cookbook. And some articles. And some short films. And a painfully bad pregnancy journal with entries like, I just love you already my little girl, and your daddy loves you too and you will be the most-loved girl ever in the world. Because we love you.
In early 2006 I started this here blog, and I’m really proud of how it’s grown. Also, how I now have more to write about than bad new mom haiku. Here’s some press and awards and other things that people who read “About Me” pages often want to know about. Fun fact: Once, I was nominated for a Bloggie for “most annnoying blog” by the same guy who nominated me for “funniest blog.” I hear he’s living in a commune in Iceland now.
So about this mom thing; I am one of those women who managed to get pregnant on the very first try when my ovaries had no business being so cooperative. I am grateful, if still a bit shocked, even all these years later. When I had Thalia in July of 2005—what can I say—turns out we got the best one. Then we spawned again in 2007, created Sage, and turns out she tied for best.
(Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m sure your child is just wonderful too. Hey, even second best is still in the 99th percentile.)
In early 2013 I became a single mom, as these things sometimes go. Fortunately, my girls still have two parents who really really love them. Just like we promised.
I’m the co-publisher and Editor in Chief of Cool Mom Picks and Cool Mom Tech where we curate the best gifts, gear, technology and resources for parents, meaning I get to talk a lot about those things on shows like NBC’s TODAY and Martha Stewart and CBS The Early Show. I’ve done lots of other writing in my myriad free time, for magazines like Redbook, New York Family, and Time Out NY, and some terrific parenting anthologies. I’ve been interviewed by Katie Couric, a featured panelist on iVillage’s The Conversation Thread, and a contributor to Raising America on HLNTV. I consult for marketers and ad agencies, particularly when it comes to communicating with women and moms. All of this has lead all those morning shows and magazines and newspapers to call me a parenting expert. Which cracks me up. Haven’t they read my tag line?
Then again, as we all know, it’s always easy to be an expert on other people’s children.
Thanks for joining me. I hope you like it here. You don’t even have to be a mom.
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