Category Archives: blogging about blogging

Exciting news and moderate squeeing from someone who is not prone to squeeing and kind of hates that word.

When we were first moving from Manhattan to Brooklyn, I was skeptical. Nate used every trick he had to try and convince me why it would be more awesome to leave the corner of Mardi and Gras in the West Village, and settle in a neighborhood one river over, with more toy shops than uh…adult toy shops.

One of the things that sold me: “There’s a Target there.”

Indeed, only a few blocks away was that big red bullseye that so many Americans take for granted, but we New Yorkers devour like kettle corn on an empty stomach. (Malls are foreign things ’round these parts. Especially good ones.) It wasn’t long before I learned why so many friends warned me, “careful…you’ll walk in for a bunch of socks, and walk out with a cart full of everything you didn’t realize you needed.”

And they are big carts.

So how lucky do I feel that I am officially (drumroll) Target’s tech and gaming spokesperson for the holiday season?

Look! Me up there! You can tell by the glasses on my head.

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