Category Archives: media

The best Super Bowl ads according to women. Also, why half-naked men are not the same as half-naked women.

david beckham for h&mA funny thing happens on Super Bowl Sunday when you have one foot in advertising, and one foot in the female blogger community – you end up with two separate tweet deck columns, with two totally different sets of commentary on the exact same Super Bowl commercials.

Ad folks are notorious for liking different ads than the regular folk. We like spots directed by famous people. We like obscure music. We like “cinematography.” Occasionally we’re up for a good talking baby spot if the lip synch CG is decent.

The general American population likes dogs. They like monkeys. They like celebrity cameos and 80s music and talking candy, wacky grandmas and men getting hit in the head with planks or beer cans or planks attached to beer cans. They’re also up for a good talking baby spot.

Neither of us is wrong. Unless you believe that as an ad creative, you are making ads for your client’s audience and not for your future boss. In which case the audience is right.

My colleagues may disagree with me on that one.

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