Category Archives: not New York

Madrid Day 1 in pictures

waiting for luggageFound an octopus

waiting for luggageFound  a creepy Minnie Mouse

waiting for luggageSword fight at the castle. (Okay, the castle gift shop.)

Standing guard

waiting for luggageThalia spots Thalia

waiting for luggageFirst tapas

waiting for luggage

waiting for luggagePhysical comedy: funny in any language

waiting for luggageMariposa

waiting for luggageMariposa 2

waiting for luggageFirst Caipirinha(s)

waiting for luggage“Okay, just one…”

waiting for luggageSword fight at a street fair

waiting for luggageNightcap

waiting for luggageNight.

Not shown: Photos of toddler next to us screaming for four straight hours of the flight, Camper Shoe shopping spree, Fat Spiderman, kids squeeing over murphy bed, kids eating three straight meals of bread, square toilet, people dancing to Katy Perry in the street, mounds of Cabrales, me speaking some totally fabricated French-Italian-Spanish language blend.

All in all, I’d say a decent start to the trip.