Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Debauched Preggo

I have been requested–nay, commanded–by the lovely and talented Her Bad Mother to guest blog for her today while she takes a little r&r. Immediately I agreed, provided I wasn’t in labor yet. Then she told me I was lined up after MotherGooseMouse, Motherhood Uncensored, and GingaJoy. Yeah, not too intimidating.

And then she announced the topic:

Burlesque blogging.

Which, well, if you could see me these days, would make you laugh so hard you’d pee. Or maybe that’s just me. But still, I have done my best to rise to the occasion and keep her place tidy in her absence. You know, water the plants and pick up my pasties before I lock up; that sort of thing.

So click on over for a little peek at Worship the Belly. I’ll show you mine and you don’t even have to show me yours.