169 thoughts on “She Spawns Again – God Help Us All.”
SCREEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAM!!!!>I KNEW it. I KNEW it!>GAAAAAH!!!!!>>I am so pleased for you, Liz! Whoopeee. This has made m’day! Congrats to you and Nate.>>(oh. and ok–how do I keep managing to be the first person to post? i don’t even RSS! you must thinking i am stalking you. which is true.)
Congratulations!!!>>This crossed my mind. I’m so happy for you.
Hooray! Congrats Liz!! Wow, you have a lot of exciting changes coming up. 🙂
I particularly like the thumbs-up!>>Congratulations again!>>Hal
Aw! Congratulations!!
Congratulations and good luck, Liz!
I’m SO glad everyone is finally catching up to me and having their second babies!>>My most heartfelt congratulations 🙂
Oh, congratulations. I think I might cry.
Good work! >>Conratulations!
YAY!!!!>>Congrats to you, Nate, and the soon to be big sister!
Yippee! Congratulations!
Congratulations.. and lot’s of mazel tov!!!! 🙂
Congrats!!! : )>>Nate must love ‘sign #2′ but, if you’re like me, I didn’t want anyone touching ’em during those early days of pregnancy! >>Thalia will be a fabulous big sister.
Somehow I just had a feeling you were pregnant. Call it pregnant spidey-sense or something.>>When are you due? I’m guessing you’re not going to be far behind my pregnancy, right? >>Wow, we’ll both be sporting newborns at BlogHer next year. It’ll be the new fashion accessory! 😉>>Congrats!!
Mazel Tov!>>and the boobs… oh the boobs! the you-can-look-but-if-you-touch-i-kill-you boobs!
i’m thrilled for you! gosh, thank goodness you don’t have much on your plate these days–your honey/your daughter/your career/your big move to all parts West of here, notwithstanding.>>ya know… i’m but a hop, skip, and 47 minute train ride away… feel free to call me if you need some help, girlfriend! and, seriously, CONGRATULATIONS!! xoxo
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!>Welcome to your next big adventure!>>>Your OB/GYN looks awesome.
Congratulations! I, unlike apparently everyone else, had no idea at all!
Congratulations to the whole family! It’ll be fun to hear your perspective on pregnancy as it happens. Best wishes!
Big Props to you and Nate! Thalia will be an awesome big sister! Hope you are feeling good. (Of course having a saltine cock does come in handy.)
that’s fab. Happy pregnancy and new baby to the whole family.
Woo hoo! Congratulations!>>Those are quite some ta tas you have there.
Congrats on the great rack! Oh, and the fact that you are gonna have a baby, too. 😉
Look at you…showing off your boobs. It’s kinda like me – but with a baby in your belly.>>🙂 Congrats!>>*gives thumbs up, too*
fabulous knockers woman.>>Congrats! You gave me chills.
Congratulations! Let the hormones rage!
Congratulations!>>I hope you’re past the pukey stage now. 🙂 Wishing you, Nate, Thalia and the littlest one all the best.
Um, unless you were pregnant at BlogHer, I’m not hearing anything clear from your boobs other than “Hello, Sailor!” But I’d say the two-line pee stick and thumbs-up are enough proof. 😉>>CONGRATULATIONS!!
I suspected this great news. Congratulations!!
Yippeee! Congratulations! Are you going to change your blog name to ‘Mom-2.0’?
Wow. Congrats!
Woo hoo! Congratulations, Liz! Fantastic news. We’re all happy for you guys!
this is such great news!!!>>also? the boobs? amazing! i’m SOOO jealous…as i sit here and look down at my push-up bra’d excuse for a rack…
Nice tits!>>Love you Liz.
Congratulations!!! Does this change your moving plans?>>Enjoy your lovely rack before it sags down to your knees (she says gazing lovingly at her almost 4 kids, 8 months pregnant, getting ready for breastfeeding ta-tas that are headed in that direction – Gravity is a bitch sometimes).
Dude, did you drink from Kristen’s water at BlogHer? You knwo that shit is catchable, right?>>Congradulations.
Congratulations! Wonderful news!
Congratulations sweetheart! YAY!
Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations!
the second shot is my favorite. I’m sure my wife has already commented on it. mazel tov to you the future Californian.
Have I mentioned lately how much easier the adjustment is when the second baby arrives? It’s a good, good thing, the second baby. Congratulations.
Hooray, Hooray! Congratulations.
WOW! Congrats! My guess from the second photo is that you had an inkling before the results in the first pic!
Congratulations boobalicious one, and to the rest of the family too!
Congratulations to you, Nate, and the future Big Sister! Whee~!
Oh my gosh, I’m so excited for you!! Congratulations! >>We’ve decided to expand our options for adoption #2 so hopefully we’ll be “expecting” in the near future as well. 🙂>>I can’t wait to hear more!
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!!>>You gave me goosebumps when this popped up in my RSS reader – yeah!!!
Do you become Mom-102? or, if you have twins Mom-103?
Wow – congratulations. You’re the third person to announce pregnancies this week alone!>>*Cross fingers* hopefully for me soon too!
Woah! Awesome! Congratulations.
Holy batfeathers, that is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>Congratulations.>>Wow.>>>Lisa
Aha. So this was the thing? First, ((Congratulations)) A new baby is a good thing. >>Second, I suspect you are freaking out a little bit. It’s not as hard as you think. You’ll be fine. Pretty soon, you’ll wonder what you did with your time when you had just one. For real.
Oh, this makes sense. Had a feeling this was it.>>There IS enough love to go around. I promise.>>You will be great. Still moving?
Wheeee!!!!! Liz, I’m so happy for you!!! Love the photo explanation series.
How far along? (secret meaning: How long must I wait until we can drink a margarita together?) >>Ok, SERIOUSLY? Congratulations! How exciting and wonderful!
Excellent. Thumbs up, indeed. And in deed. As in, way to do the deed. And congrats to the big sister to be.
OK, so did you say to the OB/GYN “Now I need you do a thumbs up pose for my blog?” >>Congrats! Looking forward to some funny posts about cankles, glucose testing, and prenatal vitamin aftertaste.
i have nothing original to add. yay you!
Wonderful news! Congratulations.
Congrats! That’s so freaking great! I’ll be luring more than ever now to hear of your progress. Whaa, ha, ha, ha… (that’s supposed to be like an evil laugh.)
I remember when you were considering this…whether to have number two or not. Congrats on making a decision and following through. That could go on your resume. 😉
This brought back a flood of memories for me when I was pg with #2. Congratulations! Mine are 19 months apart…the good news is that it’s such a blur, you forget the stress pretty quickly. 🙂
Yay for you! I’m soooo glad people like you are procreating.
Whooooooo! Congratulations!>>This is the first piece of good news I’ve heard all day, and it’s been a long day.>>and am I too new around these parts to say “nice rack!”?
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>Damn. Everyone is pregnant but me. I can’t figure out if that’s good or bad.>>PS. Very perky.
Nice boobies. heehee. But seriously CONGRATS to you!
Congratulations, from one pregnant chick to another.
Congratulations!!!>>Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.>>And just how did you get your ob to pose like that???
Congratulations! How exciting! I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy as well 🙂
Oh hooray! There can never be too many of us dealing with crushing hormonal imbalances at the same time. >>I’m truly happy for you guys.
Congratulations!! Thalia is going to love a little brother or sister!
I guess we need a warning over at CMP.>>“If you think our choices are uncool, we have an excuse. We are both jacked up on pregnancy hormones”>>🙂>>xo
congrats! you mean those things re-inflate?
Wow….congratulations!!!! Woohoo!!!
Congratulations to you, Nate and Thalia.>>xx>Isabel
Congrats! It seems to be going around. 🙂
good god I covet your rack.>>congrats liz! so happy for you!
Woohoo! Congrats!>I have had the baby bug lately and it seems like all I see is baby everywhere.>Maybe it’s a sign.
It looks like the bolgging baby dust rubbed off on you. Congratulations!!!!
Well, look what the Lord had in store for you. >>(sorry, could not resist).>>Congratulations.
EEEEk. Me too. Holden is about 2 months older than Thalia and maybe I’m 2 months further this time. Good luck to everyone!
Congrats … This is exciting news!
Congrats, yadayadda way too do it and all that stuff…>>…but really…is this going to screw up you coming to blogher…it is, isn’t it. >>…back to pretending I’m not selfish now
Congratulations, sweetheart!>Wow.. look at the boobs :). >I’m sure Thalia will be happy with her baby bro/sista :).>>And < HREF="http://insparenting.com/214/the-belly-picture-of-29-week-pregnant-mom/" REL="nofollow">don’t forget to take your belly picture<>, dear… ;).>>Again, congrats! I’m very happy for you guys.>>Much Love,>Adwina
congratulations!!! Now what will be the age difference between the two? i’m expecting my second too and I am so excited!
Is it wrong that my first thought was “Hooray for me… she’ll probably have a whole lot of new material to blog about shortly.”? >>Congratulations!
This is wonderful news! Congratulations!
Picture #2 is now my computer desktop background (sweet jesus!) – oh and CONGRATS Liz, Nate and Thalia!
Wow…that’s just fantastic! Pregnant AND moving. So much going on in your world. Can I add my congratulations to the long list?
I knew it! Congratulations!!! Jeebus, everyone is pregnant again. What the heck is in the water?>>btw, nice rack. 🙂
Congratulations!>>I’m so excited for you! It’s great because I was excited for Christina and reading about life with a second child! Now I have two sources.>>I have to admit, I’m jealous! I’m ready for another, but scared to death of going through another high risk pregnancy!>>Congrats again! Yay!!
I’m “delurking” to say CONGRATS to you and your family!! It’s going to be an awesome ride once again!!
Another lurker “de-lurking”… CONGRATULATIONS!>>Ryan
Wow. A little late on the congratulatory bandwagon, but I’m glad I made it!>>I’m thrilled for Thalia. And you and Nate of course.>>Hope it’s a wonderful experience for all of you.
WOOHOO! You’ve joined my world of two kids. It’s all a challenge, but so worth it. Take it easy and don’t stress too much (try not to!) with all the craziness that is going to go on in the next few months. It will all get done… and it sounds like it was the right time for Nate to focus on his career!
Congratulations on the successful spawning!
Very exciting! Congratulations!
holy crap – did I miss a lot! congratulations!
I’m jealous of those boobies!>Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
Let me be the one millionth person to add my congratulations to you and your family!
CONGRATULATIONS!! Very good news for the world.
Wow – as my wife would say, you must be ‘Fertile Myrtle’. You just wrote about ‘trying’ – and now you are. How proud Nate must be of himself…
Holy fucking crap!!!! >>Wow. :0) >>If I wasn’t out of town with limited computer access it would not have taken me so freaking long to say this. Wow. Your uterus rocks.
congratulations! so happy for you!
Just adding my best wishes to all the rest. Congratulations, mama!
Congrats – How exciting!!!
Congrats!!!!!>Was this planned! >Are you excited!!
Oooo, what fun! Congratulations!!
Good job!
Does my congrats even matter after all the previous ones? Can’t wait for all the extra blog fodder.>And really, congratulations!!!!!!!
Whoooo-hooo! Congrats!!!
congrats, lady.>xo
I may be late to the party, but I come bearing enormous piles of congratulations for the whole family! Exciting stuff 🙂
Let me the 142nd to say… WOOHOO! >>Congrats!>>(My Blogger identification word was “roidnip”. I hope it’s not prophetic for you.)
Congrats, sis, and nice boobs. >>🙂
well, at least one of us is getting laid.:)>>Congratulations.
I’ve never gotten the thumbs up before. I wonder if that means I was never really pregnant….>>Congrats!
WOW. I’m #145 here, Liz!! >>Congratulations on the good news!! And for having an even more magnificent set of tatas than before. 🙂
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats you hott mama.
ata girl!>look at those milk jugs!!!>congratulations!>i’m so excited for you!>can’t wait to hear about your pregnancy!
thats fantastic !! im so happy for you *hugs*
So much for all those new bras.>>Congratulations. You guys make beautiful babies…like Thalia.
congratulations, except for the morning sickness/exhaustion thing, enjoy it! i cannot wait for the next one(but i have too, it sucks)>love those newborns!
Rock on, girl!>>Congratulations. >>Will you be blogging about this any further, I wonder?
Congratulations, Liz! I’m really excited to read along for this ride!
YAY!!! Big congrats.>>How did you get the Ob to pose for that photo? Too funny.>>Be good to yourself.
Oh my god. I am so behind on my blog reading. CONGRATULATIONS Liz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such exciting news!!
Congratulations on the happy news! 🙂
I didn’t post anonymously with crude remarks, so where is my added congratulations to this already enormous list? Well, let me say it again, Congratulations!
Oh YAY!! Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations!
OKAY I’m totally late to the news but I have to say CONGRATULATIONS! Bumper and I are so happy for you and your beautiful family.
Totally late with chiming in — Congrats! Boy, things will get interesting now with two!
Congratulations! My husband’s B-day is May 5th. I ended up giving birth on May 8th though. It’ll be a great Cinco de Mayo, even without the tequila!
Women as cool as you SHOULD be having more babies! Sweeeet news sister. I’m stoaked for you and even more for Nate…those boobs are hot.
Wonderful news! Congratulations!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I had no idea, I am a little late gettng the news. 🙂
A little late, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m so happy for you! And jealous. But mostly happy for you!!! 🙂
Congratulations! That is wonderful.>>And those three signs – we only need the second to know for sure…!
SCREEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAM!!!!>I KNEW it. I KNEW it!>GAAAAAH!!!!!>>I am so pleased for you, Liz! Whoopeee. This has made m’day! Congrats to you and Nate.>>(oh. and ok–how do I keep managing to be the first person to post? i don’t even RSS! you must thinking i am stalking you. which is true.)
Congratulations!!!>>This crossed my mind. I’m so happy for you.
Hooray! Congrats Liz!! Wow, you have a lot of exciting changes coming up. 🙂
I particularly like the thumbs-up!>>Congratulations again!>>Hal
Aw! Congratulations!!
Congratulations and good luck, Liz!
I’m SO glad everyone is finally catching up to me and having their second babies!>>My most heartfelt congratulations 🙂
Oh, congratulations. I think I might cry.
Good work! >>Conratulations!
YAY!!!!>>Congrats to you, Nate, and the soon to be big sister!
Yippee! Congratulations!
Congratulations.. and lot’s of mazel tov!!!! 🙂
Congrats!!! : )>>Nate must love ‘sign #2′ but, if you’re like me, I didn’t want anyone touching ’em during those early days of pregnancy! >>Thalia will be a fabulous big sister.
holy shit, really?!?!?!! omg! WHORE!!! knocked up, WHORE! lol>congrats love. still moving?
Somehow I just had a feeling you were pregnant. Call it pregnant spidey-sense or something.>>When are you due? I’m guessing you’re not going to be far behind my pregnancy, right? >>Wow, we’ll both be sporting newborns at BlogHer next year. It’ll be the new fashion accessory! 😉>>Congrats!!
Mazel Tov!>>and the boobs… oh the boobs! the you-can-look-but-if-you-touch-i-kill-you boobs!
i’m thrilled for you! gosh, thank goodness you don’t have much on your plate these days–your honey/your daughter/your career/your big move to all parts West of here, notwithstanding.>>ya know… i’m but a hop, skip, and 47 minute train ride away… feel free to call me if you need some help, girlfriend! and, seriously, CONGRATULATIONS!! xoxo
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!>Welcome to your next big adventure!>>>Your OB/GYN looks awesome.
Congratulations! I, unlike apparently everyone else, had no idea at all!
Congratulations to the whole family! It’ll be fun to hear your perspective on pregnancy as it happens. Best wishes!
Big Props to you and Nate! Thalia will be an awesome big sister! Hope you are feeling good. (Of course having a saltine cock does come in handy.)
that’s fab. Happy pregnancy and new baby to the whole family.
Woo hoo! Congratulations!>>Those are quite some ta tas you have there.
Congrats on the great rack! Oh, and the fact that you are gonna have a baby, too. 😉
Look at you…showing off your boobs. It’s kinda like me – but with a baby in your belly.>>🙂 Congrats!>>*gives thumbs up, too*
fabulous knockers woman.>>Congrats! You gave me chills.
Congratulations! Let the hormones rage!
Congratulations!>>I hope you’re past the pukey stage now. 🙂 Wishing you, Nate, Thalia and the littlest one all the best.
Um, unless you were pregnant at BlogHer, I’m not hearing anything clear from your boobs other than “Hello, Sailor!” But I’d say the two-line pee stick and thumbs-up are enough proof. 😉>>CONGRATULATIONS!!
I suspected this great news. Congratulations!!
Yippeee! Congratulations! Are you going to change your blog name to ‘Mom-2.0’?
Wow. Congrats!
Woo hoo! Congratulations, Liz! Fantastic news. We’re all happy for you guys!
this is such great news!!!>>also? the boobs? amazing! i’m SOOO jealous…as i sit here and look down at my push-up bra’d excuse for a rack…
Nice tits!>>Love you Liz.
Congratulations!!! Does this change your moving plans?>>Enjoy your lovely rack before it sags down to your knees (she says gazing lovingly at her almost 4 kids, 8 months pregnant, getting ready for breastfeeding ta-tas that are headed in that direction – Gravity is a bitch sometimes).
Dude, did you drink from Kristen’s water at BlogHer? You knwo that shit is catchable, right?>>Congradulations.
Congratulations! Wonderful news!
Congratulations sweetheart! YAY!
Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations!
the second shot is my favorite. I’m sure my wife has already commented on it. mazel tov to you the future Californian.
Have I mentioned lately how much easier the adjustment is when the second baby arrives? It’s a good, good thing, the second baby. Congratulations.
Hooray, Hooray! Congratulations.
WOW! Congrats! My guess from the second photo is that you had an inkling before the results in the first pic!
Congratulations boobalicious one, and to the rest of the family too!
Congratulations to you, Nate, and the future Big Sister! Whee~!
Oh my gosh, I’m so excited for you!! Congratulations! >>We’ve decided to expand our options for adoption #2 so hopefully we’ll be “expecting” in the near future as well. 🙂>>I can’t wait to hear more!
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!!>>You gave me goosebumps when this popped up in my RSS reader – yeah!!!
Do you become Mom-102? or, if you have twins Mom-103?
Wow – congratulations. You’re the third person to announce pregnancies this week alone!>>*Cross fingers* hopefully for me soon too!
Woah! Awesome! Congratulations.
Holy batfeathers, that is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>Congratulations.>>Wow.>>>Lisa
Aha. So this was the thing? First, ((Congratulations)) A new baby is a good thing. >>Second, I suspect you are freaking out a little bit. It’s not as hard as you think. You’ll be fine. Pretty soon, you’ll wonder what you did with your time when you had just one. For real.
Oh, this makes sense. Had a feeling this was it.>>There IS enough love to go around. I promise.>>You will be great. Still moving?
Wheeee!!!!! Liz, I’m so happy for you!!! Love the photo explanation series.
How far along? (secret meaning: How long must I wait until we can drink a margarita together?) >>Ok, SERIOUSLY? Congratulations! How exciting and wonderful!
Excellent. Thumbs up, indeed. And in deed. As in, way to do the deed. And congrats to the big sister to be.
OK, so did you say to the OB/GYN “Now I need you do a thumbs up pose for my blog?” >>Congrats! Looking forward to some funny posts about cankles, glucose testing, and prenatal vitamin aftertaste.
i have nothing original to add. yay you!
Wonderful news! Congratulations.
Congrats! That’s so freaking great! I’ll be luring more than ever now to hear of your progress. Whaa, ha, ha, ha… (that’s supposed to be like an evil laugh.)
I remember when you were considering this…whether to have number two or not. Congrats on making a decision and following through. That could go on your resume. 😉
This brought back a flood of memories for me when I was pg with #2. Congratulations! Mine are 19 months apart…the good news is that it’s such a blur, you forget the stress pretty quickly. 🙂
Yay for you! I’m soooo glad people like you are procreating.
Whooooooo! Congratulations!>>This is the first piece of good news I’ve heard all day, and it’s been a long day.>>and am I too new around these parts to say “nice rack!”?
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>Damn. Everyone is pregnant but me. I can’t figure out if that’s good or bad.>>PS. Very perky.
Nice boobies. heehee. But seriously CONGRATS to you!
Congratulations, from one pregnant chick to another.
Congratulations!!!>>Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.>>And just how did you get your ob to pose like that???
Congratulations! How exciting! I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy as well 🙂
Oh hooray! There can never be too many of us dealing with crushing hormonal imbalances at the same time. >>I’m truly happy for you guys.
Congratulations!! Thalia is going to love a little brother or sister!
I guess we need a warning over at CMP.>>“If you think our choices are uncool, we have an excuse. We are both jacked up on pregnancy hormones”>>🙂>>xo
congrats! you mean those things re-inflate?
Wow….congratulations!!!! Woohoo!!!
Congratulations to you, Nate and Thalia.>>xx>Isabel
Congrats! It seems to be going around. 🙂
good god I covet your rack.>>congrats liz! so happy for you!
Woohoo! Congrats!>I have had the baby bug lately and it seems like all I see is baby everywhere.>Maybe it’s a sign.
It looks like the bolgging baby dust rubbed off on you. Congratulations!!!!
Well, look what the Lord had in store for you. >>(sorry, could not resist).>>Congratulations.
EEEEk. Me too. Holden is about 2 months older than Thalia and maybe I’m 2 months further this time. Good luck to everyone!
Congrats … This is exciting news!
Congrats, yadayadda way too do it and all that stuff…>>…but really…is this going to screw up you coming to blogher…it is, isn’t it. >>…back to pretending I’m not selfish now
Congratulations, sweetheart!>Wow.. look at the boobs :). >I’m sure Thalia will be happy with her baby bro/sista :).>>And < HREF="http://insparenting.com/214/the-belly-picture-of-29-week-pregnant-mom/" REL="nofollow">don’t forget to take your belly picture<>, dear… ;).>>Again, congrats! I’m very happy for you guys.>>Much Love,>Adwina
congratulations!!! Now what will be the age difference between the two? i’m expecting my second too and I am so excited!
Is it wrong that my first thought was “Hooray for me… she’ll probably have a whole lot of new material to blog about shortly.”? >>Congratulations!
This is wonderful news! Congratulations!
Picture #2 is now my computer desktop background (sweet jesus!) – oh and CONGRATS Liz, Nate and Thalia!
Wow…that’s just fantastic! Pregnant AND moving. So much going on in your world. Can I add my congratulations to the long list?
I knew it! Congratulations!!! Jeebus, everyone is pregnant again. What the heck is in the water?>>btw, nice rack. 🙂
Congratulations!>>I’m so excited for you! It’s great because I was excited for Christina and reading about life with a second child! Now I have two sources.>>I have to admit, I’m jealous! I’m ready for another, but scared to death of going through another high risk pregnancy!>>Congrats again! Yay!!
I’m “delurking” to say CONGRATS to you and your family!! It’s going to be an awesome ride once again!!
Another lurker “de-lurking”… CONGRATULATIONS!>>Ryan
Wow. A little late on the congratulatory bandwagon, but I’m glad I made it!>>I’m thrilled for Thalia. And you and Nate of course.>>Hope it’s a wonderful experience for all of you.
WOOHOO! You’ve joined my world of two kids. It’s all a challenge, but so worth it. Take it easy and don’t stress too much (try not to!) with all the craziness that is going to go on in the next few months. It will all get done… and it sounds like it was the right time for Nate to focus on his career!
Congratulations on the successful spawning!
Very exciting! Congratulations!
holy crap – did I miss a lot! congratulations!
I’m jealous of those boobies!>Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
Let me be the one millionth person to add my congratulations to you and your family!
CONGRATULATIONS!! Very good news for the world.
Wow – as my wife would say, you must be ‘Fertile Myrtle’. You just wrote about ‘trying’ – and now you are. How proud Nate must be of himself…
Holy fucking crap!!!! >>Wow. :0) >>If I wasn’t out of town with limited computer access it would not have taken me so freaking long to say this. Wow. Your uterus rocks.
congratulations! so happy for you!
Just adding my best wishes to all the rest. Congratulations, mama!
Congrats – How exciting!!!
Congrats!!!!!>Was this planned! >Are you excited!!
Oooo, what fun! Congratulations!!
Good job!
Does my congrats even matter after all the previous ones? Can’t wait for all the extra blog fodder.>And really, congratulations!!!!!!!
Whoooo-hooo! Congrats!!!
congrats, lady.>xo
I may be late to the party, but I come bearing enormous piles of congratulations for the whole family! Exciting stuff 🙂
Let me the 142nd to say… WOOHOO! >>Congrats!>>(My Blogger identification word was “roidnip”. I hope it’s not prophetic for you.)
Congrats, sis, and nice boobs. >>🙂
well, at least one of us is getting laid.:)>>Congratulations.
I’ve never gotten the thumbs up before. I wonder if that means I was never really pregnant….>>Congrats!
WOW. I’m #145 here, Liz!! >>Congratulations on the good news!! And for having an even more magnificent set of tatas than before. 🙂
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats you hott mama.
ata girl!>look at those milk jugs!!!>congratulations!>i’m so excited for you!>can’t wait to hear about your pregnancy!
thats fantastic !! im so happy for you *hugs*
So much for all those new bras.>>Congratulations. You guys make beautiful babies…like Thalia.
congratulations, except for the morning sickness/exhaustion thing, enjoy it! i cannot wait for the next one(but i have too, it sucks)>love those newborns!
Rock on, girl!>>Congratulations. >>Will you be blogging about this any further, I wonder?
Congratulations, Liz! I’m really excited to read along for this ride!
YAY!!! Big congrats.>>How did you get the Ob to pose for that photo? Too funny.>>Be good to yourself.
Oh my god. I am so behind on my blog reading. CONGRATULATIONS Liz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such exciting news!!
Congratulations on the happy news! 🙂
I didn’t post anonymously with crude remarks, so where is my added congratulations to this already enormous list? Well, let me say it again, Congratulations!
Oh YAY!! Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations!
OKAY I’m totally late to the news but I have to say CONGRATULATIONS! Bumper and I are so happy for you and your beautiful family.
Totally late with chiming in — Congrats! Boy, things will get interesting now with two!
Congratulations! My husband’s B-day is May 5th. I ended up giving birth on May 8th though. It’ll be a great Cinco de Mayo, even without the tequila!
Women as cool as you SHOULD be having more babies! Sweeeet news sister. I’m stoaked for you and even more for Nate…those boobs are hot.
Wonderful news! Congratulations!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I had no idea, I am a little late gettng the news. 🙂
A little late, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m so happy for you! And jealous. But mostly happy for you!!! 🙂
Congratulations! That is wonderful.>>And those three signs – we only need the second to know for sure…!
Another late well wisher saying congratulations!!